
Moses Kuria and Mudavadi beef plays out in office drama

In a recent statement, Secretary of Government Strategic Communications Kibisu Kabatesi has dispelled any misconceptions about government office assignments following the recent cabinet reshuffle.

He clarified that the Prime Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs (OPCS-MFDA) had temporarily occupied the Treasury Building while awaiting the completion of renovations and refurbishments at his Railways Headquarters office.

Kabatesi emphasized that the Treasury Building was not designated as the office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs, but rather as the office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary for Public Service.

He also cautioned against any public servant attempting to allocate ministerial locations or portfolios, emphasizing that this function belongs solely to the President.

Kabatesi’s statement is a reminder that the government’s organizational structure is hierarchical and that portfolio designation is the prerogative of the President.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
