
Morgan Heritage responds after they are informed that Murang’a senator named his son after the group

Murang’a Senator Irungu Kang’ata recently revealed that he is such a great fan of Morgan Heritage that he named his son after the popular Jamaican reggae group.

“I named my second child Euna Morgan. How Comes’ is one of Morgan Heritage’s songs that really inspire people because they are highlighting challenges people go through in life. Why the youth in the ghetto don’t get the education like those in urban areas,” said Kang’ata during an interview with Word Is.

The lawmaker also narrated how he loved reggae music so much, he revealed that his passion for music saw him become a DJ in campus.


Morgan Heritage member Una Morgan expressed her gratitude after a tweep informed her that Murang’a Senator had named his child after the group.

“I am sooo humbled by this. i’m grateful my family could have a positive impact on people’s live and families. I cannot wait to meet her,” Una Morgan tweeted.





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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
