
Morara Kebaso Faces Cyber Harassment Charges, Released on Cash Bail

Lawyer-turned-activist Morara Kebaso was arraigned at the Milimani Law Courts in Nairobi on Tuesday, following his arrest by detectives at his Kahawa Sukari office.

Kebaso faced multiple charges, including cyber harassment in violation of Section 27 of the Computer Misuse and Cybercrime Act. The charge sheet alleges that on September 28, 2024, Kebaso and his co-accused posted false claims on his X account. The post alleged that President William Ruto deceived businessman David Langat into lending him a significant amount of money, later seizing Langat’s properties.

Kebaso’s arrest occurred a day after detectives detained him at his office. A video circulated on social media showed a speeding DCI vehicle followed by what appeared to be Kebaso’s associates.

Kebaso’s lawyer expressed frustration over being denied access to him at the Nairobi Regional Headquarters, stating, “They have restricted access, with orders from the top preventing anyone, including lawyers and media, from reaching Morara.”

The lawyer condemned the police’s actions, accusing them of disregarding the constitution and the rule of law.

Update: Kebaso has been released on cash bail of Ksh50,000 after his court appearance.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
