
Monkey business: Huddah Monroe playing herself by attacking Joe Muchiri

Image: 50% of men I meet these days disgust me - Huddah Monroe

Huddah Monroe decided to launch into a rather ballsy but ultimately ill-advised attack on social media influencer Joe W. Muchiri in the latest instalment of their ongoing beef.

Joe Muchiri’s brilliant satirical tweet exposes Kenyan women’s greed

There was a time, in days gone by, when the two were on friendlier terms with them engaging in online banter but all that was forgotten when for some reason not clearly known to us, Joe Muchiri dragged her and thus began the new chapter of their relations with each other.

Joe Muchiri attacked by Huddah's fans after making this nasty comment about the lady

That aside, Huddah most recently put out a post questioning whether or not Joe Muchiri is finally a billionaire. This is a cheap shot at a man who lost his job at Capital FM and for most people, the assumption is that he is struggling -but he really is doing a lot better than he was before.

Former socialite Huddah admits having an addiction to marijuana (Photo)

her post which she has since deleted asked whether he had started a company that was successfully running or whether he was already a billionaire. The problem with this attack on Joe Muchiri is that it simply worked to play her.

Boss chick Huddah

Yes, Huddah played herself for a monkey and all that is because we caught a glimpse of how she has been surviving in Dubai since the quarantine lockdown and it gave a lot of credence to the fact that she is indeed a trollop.

Why are people shocked by what Huddah did on video?

So whatever Huddah says about running a cosmetics company, the fact still remains that because of this clear blemish to her image, she lacks the moral authority to mock anyone.


The smart play would have been for Huddah not to mention anything or try to shame someone who is genuinely out here hustling and attempting to improve their lot in life without having to resort to selling flesh. In doing so, not only did her attack fall flat, but Huddah ultimately played herself because she attacked someone every Kenyan can related with, the everyman.

Then again, at the end of the day, I am expecting high IQ behaviour from Huddah and perhaps I am the one who should have his coconut checked. But at the end of the day her recent actions have only served to lead to there being more scrutiny on her and her livelihood and that is not something she should want at the current moment.


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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
