
Monica and Anne Thumbi come to a mutual agreement after long embattled paternity tests result positive

It has been a long battle in determining the paternity tests for the late Ken Okoth and his alleged son from politician, Anne Thumbi.

Fortunately, the battle is over and the law has taken its course. After conducting 3 paternity tests on the late Kibra MP Ken Okoth’s alleged son, reports have confirmed they are indeed father and son.

The late Ken Okoth, his son and baby mama, Anne Thumbi

Ken Okoth’s widow and baby mama, have finally come to a mutual agreement concerning the late lawmaker’s son.

As recorded in court, Monica and Anne have agreed to abide by the outcome of the DNA tests which have come out positive.

Ken Okoth (centre), his widow, Monica Okoth (left) and baby mama, Ms Anne Thumbi (right)

Ms Thumbi’s Lawyer Danstan Omari stated that the paternity issue has been resolved and that for the child’s upkeep, they will move to the High Court.

The next question is to decide what are the entitlements of the child under the succession law. We will move to the High Court to get school fees, and medical cover for the child.


About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
