
Moji Shortbabaa surprised his wife Nyawira with a pre-birthday bash

Image: Moji Short Babaa

The gospel singer teamed up with Shiru wa GP to give his wife an epic surprise.

Nyawira was hosting the Ms. Understood live event when Shiru appeared to serenade her. Shiru wa GP is Nyawira’s favorite artiste, so she was understandably shocked and delighted.

The crowd at the event was also thrilled to learn that it was Nyawira’s pre-birthday, and they all shouted birthday wishes to her.

Moji then came onto the stage with a beautifully designed cake and presented it to Nyawira while dancing vigorously to wa GP’s song.

Nyawira was clearly overjoyed, and she took to her Instagram stories to share pictures and videos from the event.

Nyawira is a brand strategist, author, and TV host. She is turning 30 years old next week, and it’s clear that she is loved by many.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
