
Mohammed Ali makes poor residents in Nyali feel like they are already in Canaan just 8 days into office (Photos)

Mohammed Ali was sworn in as Nyali MP on August 31st and Nyali residents are already reaping from his impressive work while the rest of Kenyans are still waiting to get to Canaan.

The former KTN MP has proved that he’s there to deliver his promises to his constituents, Ali kick started various projects in Nyali constituency.

In just two days Ali visited 5 schools (Pentrose community school, Kengeleni Primary, Frere Town primary, Mlaleo primary and special school in Frere Town ward) to distribute shues to pupils under a campaign dubbed ‘Valisha Mtoto Kiatu’.

“Today marked the launch of the second phase of the “VALISHA MTOTO KIATU” campaign. The second phase will see into it that all students and schools which never benefited in first phase do benefit. The first beneficiaries of the second phase were Pentrose community school in Mkomani ward and Kengeleni Primary school in Kongowea ward. We will cover all schools in the entire Nyali constituency in the second phase, Mohammed Ali wrote.

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
