
Milly WaJesus Releases Hefty Rate Card After Attending Akothee’s Exorbitant Wedding

Looks like Akothee’s Wedding has opened up people’s eyes on the kind of potential they bear as celebrities.

And one of them is content creator Milly WaJesus, who happens to be one of the most followed female celebrities in the 254.

Milly was one among the numerous renowned celebrities who attended Akothee’s lavish wedding- just as expected.

It was one of a kind wedding that had all kinds of expensive meals & drinks.

Milly’s Rate Card

The mother of two claims that it’s due to public demand that she released her rate card.

She wrote via her Instagram;

“After @akotheekenya wedding I now have a rate card for being in your line up (Swipe Left To See Rate Card) I am getting soo many enquiries on being on people’s lineup so please check the rates on last slide and get in touch.

Akothe’s wedding is definitely the wedding of the year! Thank you Akothe for giving single mums hope and for sharing your wedding with us .”

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
