
Milly and Kabi Wa Jesus reveal why they adopted that name

Content creator Milly Wajesus has explained why she and her husband, Kabi Wajesus, use the name Wajesus. In a social media post, Milly said that the name is a reflection of their true identity in Christ.

“I’ve discovered my true identity in Christ, and that’s why I PROUDLY call myself MILLY WAJESUS,” she wrote. “It’s not about fame or thinking we’re better than anyone else. It’s about boldly proclaiming our faith and inspiring others to unashamedly embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Milly went on to say that they were the Wajesus family even before they became famous. “We were the Wajesus family when we were struggling to make ends meet,” she said. “We were the Wajesus family when we were living in a tiny apartment. And we’re still the Wajesus family today, even though we’ve been blessed with more than we ever thought possible.”

Milly’s statement has been met with mixed reactions. Some people have praised her for her boldness and her willingness to share her faith. Others have criticized her for using the name Wajesus for personal gain.

Regardless of the reaction, Milly’s statement is a reminder that faith is an important part of her life. She is using her platform to share her faith with others, and she is inspiring others to embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
