
Mike Sonko’s second born daughter unveils photos of handsome man warming her bed

By now Mike Sonko’s daughters have reached the legal age where they can date and introduce their men to fans on social media. His eldest daughter, Saumu Mbuvi has turned her private life into everybody’s business – but who are we to complain.

After nasty breakup with Ben Gatu – Saumu Mbuvi moved on (about 2 years later) moves on with Senator Loitiptip; but as the story goes – this also ended in premium tears. But si ni life?

Saumu dumped by baby daddy

Away from Saumu and Sandra Mbuvi who are well known on social media; the Mbuvi’s have another sister ‘Salma’ who has managed to stay low key for a few years after announcing about her mum’s illness on social media. For some reason, Salma seems quite different from her sisters; as she prefers staying low key than publicizing her life.

Finally we meet Salma’s boyfriend

Anyway the young lady is also not so low key as she recently went on to unveil photos of her hot boyfriend as seen on her Instagram page.

Salma hanging out with niece, baby Sasha

Well, this is definitely the love of her life as she captioned the photos on her page saying;

Salma’s better half

If I know what love is, it is because of you ????

Clearly the only Mbuvi sister not getting genuine love is Saumu Mbuvi; but how about she tries acting low key for once and see if she will bag a good man?

Salma parades handsome boyfriend
Sonko’s daughter with her heartbeat

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
