
Miguna Miguna roasts foreign journalist

Image: Suspended Prime Minister's Advisor on Coalition Affairs Mr Miguna Miguna on December 31, 2011 addressing a news conference at Nairobi where he declined that the had been reinstated into service. PhotoWilliam OeriNation Media Group

Miguna Miguna is one tough cookie! He is one of the last of a dying breed of firebrand politicians and he is currently in Canada where he resides but at one point he wasn’t allowed to return to Kenya because the powers that be were deathly frightened that he could form and crystalize not just dissent but an insurrection against the corrupt government of the day that had gotten into bed with the political opposition.

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And if you thought now that Raila Odinga (his political opponent) is on the outs politically he would have slowed down, you’d be entirely wrong. That is what a TRT journalist found out during an interview they conducted with Miguna.

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The poor guy was completely eviscerated once the lawyer cum politician decided that the journalist had stepped on his toes and he’d had enough. Watch the crazy interview below:

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
