
Michelle Ntalami’s hate for short men is sickening

Michelle Ntalami has been making it clear that she only wants to date tall men, but she’s also making it clear that she has no love for short men at all. Yesterday she made a post on Instagram saying that short man shouldn’t “stress” her. 

Recently as well, she went on Kiss 100, saying that “we cannot have a conversation unless you are taller than me.”



This is an oxymoron, because Michelle isn’t very tall herself. Even in her past relationships, she is generally the shorter one in the relationship. So what happens if she gets with a taller man then by some chance their son gets her short genes? Will she now hate her son for being short just like her? No, she’ll have to accept the son as he is, otherwise, she will be a toxic mother.


Some women really need to drop this hate they have for shorter men. it can only lead to toxic generational cycles like the one I’ve mentioned above. we claim to be the generation that is championing body positivity, so we should act like it.


About this writer:

Ghafla Writer
