
Mercy Tarus Reacts to Jackson Mandago’s Arrest

Mercy Tarus, a young woman who has been vocal in her criticism of Uasin Gishu leaders, has expressed her happiness over the arrest of Senator Jackson Mandago.

Mandago was arrested on Wednesday afternoon, just a few hours after the Director of Public Prosecutions ordered his arrest in connection with the failed overseas education saga.

Tarus took to social media to express her joy, saying that she hoped that justice would finally be served.

“Let justice be our shield and protector,” she wrote. “Let justice be done.”

Tarus became very popular on social media last week after a video of her calling out Uasin Gishu leaders went viral. In the video, she criticized the leaders for failing to provide quality education to the children of the poor.

She also pointed out how the children of the leaders themselves study in prestigious universities, while the children of the poor are left to fend for themselves.

Tarus’s arrest is a major victory for the families of the students who were affected by the failed overseas education program. It is also a sign that the government is taking the issue seriously.

It remains to be seen whether Mandago will be found guilty of the charges against him. However, Tarus’s reaction to his arrest is a clear indication that she believes that justice will be served.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
