
Men Should Be Celebrated As Much As Women|

In the modern society, women are being celebrated more than men. The colloquy has had several people giving ambivalent sentiments on whether women should be celebrated more than men.

It may sound like a politically incorrect detail to point out that men and women are different. But there is a lot we can gain as fully functioning families when we pay attention to what mom and dad don’t have in common. Celebrating the difference between men and women means that we’re not threatened by one another; that we value the unique ways we complement one another; and that we take those differences to the bank.

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Celebrating Men

On November 19, it’s International Men’s Day (‘IMD’). Many people will be left wondering why men need a special day, when every day could be considered male. These type of official days tend to acknowledge and celebrate the ‘underdog’, and so this November celebration may raise an eyebrow. It might sit awkwardly alongside Carers’ day (November 21) or National Grandparents day (October 4). However, men are just as much in need of celebration and support as other more ‘obvious’ groups.

Men, like women, are diverse. Whilst an overriding stereotype of the buccaneering cowboy may persist in some minds, most of us can see from a cursory glance of social media that we now run the full gamut – from super alpha to super beta and all levels in between and around. Indeed, gender fluidity challenges more and more the very notion of binary gender divisions and what a ‘man’ is supposed to be.

It’s high time men get celebrated like women.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
