
Meet the woman Ali Kiba has left Joho’s niece for

Ali Kiba, a famous Tanzanian actor whose divorce hasn’t been finalized, appears to have fallen in love.

Kiba, who is still wed to his divorced wife Amina, is rumored to be seeing Jeniffer Jovin, a Tanzanian.

The young woman works in the fashion industry while studying journalism.

Jenifer, or Niffer as her friends refer to her, is lovely and young.

Kiba has only followed one person back on social media, and that is her.

Amina, Kiba’s wife, had made him sign the divorce papers in order for the two of them to be free.

Amina stated that she is sick of the Kings Music CEO treating her disrespectfully and that it is time for him to file for divorce and liberate her.

They haven’t been dating, but Amina said in her message that King Kiba never ceases to irritate her.

She continued by saying that while Kiba has been holding her captive under the moniker “Someone’s wife,” he has been free to live his life as he pleases.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
