Meet the tall sassy lady accused of beating up Seth Gor like a baby (Photo)
Image: Seth GorA lot has been said by both Seth Gor and his ex, Shiko Phyna. After 8 months of being apart, the exes are back to making headlines; thanks to a detailed post shared by Seth Gor this past weekend.
As we all know, the comedian is now accusing the young lass of punching him to a point where she lost a nail. We are however not sure as what sparked the fight that broke the two apart about 8 months ago.

Addressing this issue through her Twitter handle; Shiko says the drama started on the night of Seth’s graduation party at popular night club on Langata road. According to her posts, it’s clear to see that just like any other couple; the two had already exhausted their love affair but kept on hanging on.
Seth’s ex girlfriend
Well if it comes to relationship issues, we might as well agree that this a topic that can solved by the two parties!
Away from that, it appears that the young lady deleted all her photos from social media due to personal reasons. However thanks to a close sources of the former couple; we now understand that Ms Shiko Phyna is not as petite as we might have thought.
Rumor has it that she is as tall as Seth and the fact that she was a cop only shows how strong she is. This however does not justify as to whether she hit or punched Seth Gor. However below is the only existing photo of Shiko Phyna on social media.