Meet the sexy woman Kibe says no Kenyan man should ever marry
Image: Andrew Kibe’s new station ‘Rogue Radio’ officially goes Live on airAndrew Kibe has decided to give Kenyan men an example of the type of woman who they should never attempt to “domesticate” and it is because, according to him, she is too hot to handle. But perhaps this is low self esteem and accomplishment talking?
The manosphere content creator took to social media to share a video of a very beautiful woman and he told men that they should only ever attempt anything with her in their dreams and leave it at that. But who is this woman?
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She is Bernice Munwa, a model and social media influencer. Andrew Kibe however, says she is beyond the capacity of most men. They would have to be at the very top of their game and continuing to leave a dent in the universe because her world is one of unbridled hypergamy and most people cannot hope to come close to it.
Check her out below:
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