Meet the lady that dumped ‘Plesident Kingston’ creator for Phoina Beauty (Photos)
Heartbroken people often tend to look for solutions in alcohol but truth is; liquor doesn’t go so well with – a bitter heart and Brenda Jons already confirmed this for us.
As seen on the live video shared on Saturday, 25th September; Brenda Jons not only broke down following her ex girlfriend’s betrayal; but also abused and accused Phoina Beauty of snatching her girlfriend – yet they were all friends.

See why women are a feared species.
Anyway judging from what Brenda Jons said, Phoina is the reason why Lamar decided to walk out on her; knowing very well that she had invested her love in this relationship.
Part of the rainbow community
The story comes at a time when many were curious about Brenda Jon’s sexuality; especially after her suggestive comment about Michelle Ntalami.

Also read: Amber Ray shuts down speculation about her sexuality
Well looking back – I guess the comment was aimed at making Lamar jealous; but again didn’t Brenda Jon’s portray her like a woman who dates celebrities to gain a following?
Anyway below are a few photos of the hot lady confusing the likes of Brenda Jons; and Phoina on social media, if not in real life.