
Meet Seth Lumumba, M-Pesa’s first ever customer…his hilarious experience with the service will make your day(video) #Mpesa

Yes, M-Pesa’s first ever customer was not some top honcho occupying the corner office of some real estate company somewhere in Upperhill.

It was a gentleman by the name Seth Lumumba from Lusoi, a village in Nyeri County who first took the first leap of faith never to regret 10 years later.

And his need came out of necessity after he got transferred to Meru and he needed to send money to his family who was left behind in Nyeri.

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So he decided to try out M-Pesa, the money transfer service which was constantly being advertised on radio.

The first time he tried it out was not easy as he withdrew money from the wrong agent, at Westgate in Nairobi and he was all the way in Nakuru.

The money was however refunded back to his account 3 days later and soon enough he got the hang of it, setting the precedent for the rest of us.

It’s been a cool ten years and M-Pesa has become part and parcel of our lives.

Check out his hilarious life changing experience:


About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi
