
Meet Khaligraph Jones hot mzungu mother-in-Law

Khaligraph Jones finally decided to move on and start a family with his new found love just a few months after splitting with his ex, Cashy!

However rumor has it that his current girlfriend/wife Georgina Muteti was in the picture even before Khaligraph Jones parted ways with Cashy – something that definitely raises questions!

Anyway so far life seems to be treating Khaligraph Jones and his family quite well and if anything he seems happier than most of us have ever seen him before.

Mother in law goals!

During this festive season, Khaligraph’s wife Georgina had a chance to introduce her stunning mzungu mother on her Instagram page leaving many mesmerized by her youthful looks.

Unlike the usual tough or rather harsh mother-in-laws we are used to, Georgina Muteti’s mother undeniably looks like one sweet and calm lady who prefers staying off social media.

Well, below is one of the latest photos of the grandma shared by her daughter, Georgina Muteti.

Khaligraph Jones mother in law

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
