
Matrimony is everything! Jackie Matubia responds to people who think she’s pregnant once more

Kenyan award-winning actress and brand influencer, Jackie Matubia, has confronted critics who speculated that she is expecting her third child without a father. Through her Instagram page, the mother of two dismissed the pregnancy rumors, stating that she is not anticipating any children soon and urged people to refrain from making unfounded assumptions.

The speculation arose after Matubia posted a photo of herself in a wedding gown, prompting many to speculate that she might be hiding a pregnancy. One critical fan commented that she would never wear a wedding gown in real life and insinuated that she might be adding another child without a father.

Matubia responded to the criticism, expressing that she is not surprised and doesn’t care much about public opinions. She emphasized the need for consideration before making statements and asserted that her experiences have been more challenging than the current rumors.

The actress asserted that even if she were to have ten children, they would be hers, and she has never sought help from the fathers of her children, nor does she plan to do so.

Matubia confidently addressed the wedding gown claim, stating that she has been through two failed marriages, and she does not see the value in marriage. She likened marriage certificates to college and university certificates, asserting that they do not guarantee success.

In conclusion, Matubia hinted at something significant coming in her life and requested support from the public when the time comes.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
