
Matatu driver arrested for obstructing the First Lady’s convoy

A bus driver was arrested on Wednesday, June 21, for obstructing the First Lady’s convoy along University Way in Nairobi.

The driver, who was ferrying passengers to Kakamega, was apprehended at approximately 6:30 am. He was later released on bail after being charged with obstruction.

The driver told the media that he was unaware that the convoy was approaching when he stopped to pick up passengers. He said that he waited for 15 minutes after the convoy passed before moving on.

However, the police said that the driver was arrested because he did not pull over to the side of the road when the convoy approached. They said that he was also driving too slowly, which caused a traffic jam.

The driver’s arrest has sparked outrage on social media, with many people criticizing the police for their heavy-handedness. Some people have also questioned the need for the First Lady to have a convoy that obstructs traffic.

The First Lady is one of the few government officials who enjoy the right of way and are entitled to police clearance on the road when they travel. However, some people argue that this privilege should not be abused and that drivers should not be arrested for minor infractions.

The driver’s case is still pending in court. It remains to be seen whether he will be convicted of obstruction. However, the incident has highlighted the need for clear guidelines on how to handle situations where government officials’ convoys obstruct traffic.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
