
“Martha hana mtoto na Mbosso!” The late comedian’s sister shocks many after this confession

Mbosso is undeniably going through a hard time after the death of his baby mama, Comedian Martha.

He went on to mourn her through his Instagram page where he posted a lost post expressing his pain.

In the same post we also learnt that Martha and Mbosso have a child together but had decided to keep the baby on the low until just recently. Mbosso wrote saying;

Licha ya Vipingamizi Vingi juu ya Mimi kuwa na Wewe takribani au ndani ya zaidi ya Miaka Mitano (5) iliyopita, hatukuacha kuonyeshana ni kiasi gani tulikuwa tunahitajiana sana kwenye Safari yetu ya maisha , Japo jitihada zetu hazikuweza kufanikisha Mimi na wewe Kuwa Pamoja .., ila mbegu tuliyoipanda vuno letu ulichagua Liwe siri baina yangu Mimi na wewe.., sikukubishia japo Mwazoni nilikukatalia kwa sababu ‘najijua kifua cha Kuficha Siri sina..’ , ila nikakuahidi sitadiriki kuitoa Popote na hata waliotuhisi tulikuwa tunawakatalia.., iwe Faragha au mbele ya hadhira tulitamka Sio Kweli, Hapana, Hakuna Kitu Kama hicho..’ Hayo ndo yalikuwa Majibu Yetu.., “Sasa Umeondoka bila kunipa ruksa juu ya hili Je, niendelee kuitunza hii siri .., na Je, anavyoendelea Kukua akija kuniuliza na nikwambia Mama alisema uwe siri atanielewa Kweli ”..” ?.. Wallah Moyo wangu unauma Martha , hukupaswa kuondoka wakati huu, Mapema mno Dah ..!! “Nenda Martha Mwingi Furaha na Ucheshi , Hata Mama Kasema Leo Msibani..:, ‘ jana ulikuwa unatabasamu hadi ulipofumba Macho , “Innalillah Wainnailaih Raajuun ” ..’ Mwenyezi Mungu akupe Kauli thabiti inshaallah.., ‘ Lala salama Martha ????

Martha’s relatives giving false information

However one of the late Martha’s sister has left many shocked after claiming her sister did not have any children.

Apparently Martha had just been staying with her relatives children since she had never conceived.

Her family’s spokes person has however come out to say that Martha’s child has been living in the village with the grandmother – the same information that Mbosso shared on his post.


About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
