
Man arrested in Kisii for killing his brother’s wife and his two children

Alex Ayata Migosi, 27, has been taken into custody by detectives. He was wanted for the murder of his sister-in-law and her children in Kisii. Migosi killed his brother’s wife and children with a hacking yesterday in Mesaria Village, Kisii County.

On Tuesday night, the suspect who fled the scene of the incident was apprehended in the Kegogi area in the Marani sub-county, Kisii.

The DCI stated that neighbors had seen the murder suspect and his brother Patrick Omuga engaged in heated arguments about an unspecified matter just prior to the vicious attack on the 27-year-old wife and her two children, ages four and three.

Ayata killed the defenseless trio with a machete, shocking and condemning the neighborhood when she broke into the brother’s home in a depraved attempt to settle scores.

In an attempt to trap the malefactor before he could escape the area, the local security forces were called in, and yesterday night their efforts paid off.
He is presently preparing for his arraignment.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
