
Mama DJ Evolve’s cause of death revealed

Image: DJ Evolve’s mum dead

Mama Felix Orinda aka DJ Evolve cause of death has been confirmed after the heartbreaking news of her passing made headlines.

government’s chief medical examiner Johansen Oduor; mama Evolve died from a heart condition called abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA).

Also read: DJ Evolve in mourning following his mum’s death

This is a condition caused by the enlargement of the aorta; which is the main blood vessel that delivers blood to the body, at the level of the abdomen.

DJ Evolve’s close friend praises late mum

Having been bedridden for close to 2 years now, it’s obvious that DJ Evolve lost some few friends; but also managed to keep the real ones like DJ Shock who remains close committed to Evolves family.

Just to prove how close they have been since the shooting incident; DJ Shock recently spoke to popular media outlet where he spoke about Mary Hogo’s untimely death saying;

Also read: “As a family we are saddened by your loss” Babu Owino mourns DJ Evolve’s late mum

 I am so saddened that she passed away, it was so sudden and nobody had time to react, there was no chance to visit her in hospital; before we knew it, God had come for His daughter and taken her home.

He went on to add;

She has been such a pillar of strength and inspiration to everyone during this journey, this is a big-hearted lady who loved Evolve so deeply and was so generous in her time to making sure he got the best she could give him.

Details about her burial remain untold to the public for now; but Baba Evolve already confirmed that burial arrangements are currently ongoing.

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
