Mama Dangote strikes back at fan after this harsh comment
Diamond Platinumz´s mother recently posted a photo of her grandchildren (from Zari) and captioned it.
However, a fan struck back reminding the granny that her grandchildren are now currently under another man´s roof.
A fan soon after had this comment for the singer´s mother:
Watoto wana Baba mwingine sasa msilete gundu jamani tulieni na magoli ya mpira.
Kwa waganda watoto wana wenyewe sasa?
Diamond Platinumz´ mother shot back at the fan seemingly telling her that since she knows so much about bringing up kids, she could as well be their aunt.

We can tell from the fan´s post that she must be Ugandan, and this comes after Diamond Platinumz ashamed the entire Uganda Republic.
The Bongo flava artist publicly tore apart the Ugandans on his post through Zari, asking her to tag all Ugandans.
This was sparked off by a game that saw Tanzania win 3-1 against Uganda over the weekend and couldn´t help but ashame his ex-lover´s origin.
The fan on Mama Dangote´s page might have been a wounded lioness that could not hold, but to strike back at the slightest opportunity she got.
Zari alisema kaachana na mond kama mpenzi lakinimsio kama baba na alisisitiza kuwa ugomvi wake na mond bibi tiffa ausiki so bibi ataendelea kuwa bibi tu aijalishi mond kadate wangapi
Hahaaaaa mnapenda watoto kwa social media buh in real sense hampatikani.
Nakupenda sana @mama_dangote coz una msimamo wa wajukuu wako hawa!!!
Endeles tu kuwapenda maana ni damu ya mwanao.
So youhave remembered to post them today?
Bibiwa mtoto wa Hamisa na Zari ila mtoto wa Hamisa yeye hapostiwi na bibi yake.
Sandra umeshindwa kujizuia, duh blood is thicker than water
Mmeshalikoroga kwa Tanasha sasa mnarudi kwa Zari bwahahahah