
Magix Enga is did big things in the local music scene in 2020

Image: Magix Enga

Kenya has no shortage of good music producers. However there are some whose work is a cut above the rest. One such person is Magix Enga.

You see, a beat plays a big part in determining whether a song will go viral or not. The lyrics and video are just meant to spice it up. You want to debate this?

If you are keen, I’m sure you’ve noticed that the beats for most viral Kenyan songs are always from three to four local music producers, one of them is Magix Enga.

Magix Enga
Magix Enga

If you hear, “Magix Enga on the beat” when a song is beginning, you just know that your eardrums are about to have the time of their lives. Where is the lie?

His greatest work to date (according to me of course) was Dundaing which was one of the biggest songs in 2018. Actually, it was the biggest!

Other songs that he has produced are; Digi Digi by Arrow Bwoy, Wembe by Timmy Tdat, Fire by P Unit, Dala Dala by Otile Brown, Matiati by Zzero Sufuri, We Run This by KRG. The list is endless.

If  you listen to the songs that he has produced, you’ll notice how distinct the beat is. It’s different from the norm. Perhaps this explains why anything he touches turns into gold instantly.

Magix Enga
Magix Enga

In my opinion, Magix Enga, who has been in the game for 10 years now, is taking Kenyan music to the international stage, with his signature beat, one song at a time.

He is showing us that it can be done by actually doing it. One day, when all is said and done, we’ll have him to thank for making Kenyan music enjoyable and helping artists to cross borders with their music.

About this writer:

David Kingsley

Comme ci, comme ça [email protected]
