
Lupita Nyongo and Rihanna agree to make a movie together from ideas concocted on Twitter

A ‘crazy’ idea by Twitter users could result in a thrilling movie starring Kenyan actress Lupita Nyongo and RnB singer Robyn Rihanna.

Twitter user @blaquepink tweeted a picture of Rihanna and Lupita Nyong’o sitting side-by-side at a 2014 Miu Miu fashion show and commented how the duo looked like a Hollywood action movie waiting to happen.

Another Twitter user @1800SADGAL seconded the idea, she even wrote a brief script for the movie highlighting the roles Lupita and Rihanna would play.

The Oscar-winning actress was impressed by the idea so was Rihanna, they both expressed alacrity to work together for the new movie.

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
