
List of counties experiencing power outages today, Wednesday

Kenya Power has announced planned power interruptions in four counties on Wednesday. The scheduled outages will affect parts of Nairobi, Kisumu, Nyeri, and Tharaka Nithi counties.

In a public notice issued Tuesday evening, Kenya Power stated that the power interruptions will take place from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm in the affected areas. These periodic interruptions facilitate system maintenance.


Power will be interrupted from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm in the following areas:

  • Starehe Boys Centre
  • Pumwani Boys
  • BBS Mall
  • Ismariot Restaurant


The power outage will occur from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Affected areas include:

  • Wildor
  • Kalusi
  • Bungu
  • Rweya
  • Masawa
  • Hera
  • Kasese
  • Obumba
  • Achuodho
  • Chiga
  • Aloo Gumbi
  • Mayienya
  • Nyamonge
  • Adjacent customers


Power interruptions will take place from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm in the following areas:

  • Karura Market
  • Karura C/Fact
  • Karura Primary School
  • Eng Maina
  • Gathumbi Village
  • Part of Unjiru Village
  • Ngari Junior village
  • Ragati Primary School
  • Ragati Secondary School
  • Iharu village
  • Gikumbo market
  • Kiandara village
  • Gathambo TBC
  • Gaturumo-Ini TBC
  • Kiamigwi village
  • Shauri Moyo
  • Gaikuyu market
  • Magutu Secondary School
  • Gitunduti market
  • Gwa Kigera
  • Gwa Ichang’i
  • Safaricom Booster
  • Kirimara Farm
  • Kirimara Factory
  • Parts of Ndurutu
  • Adjacent customers

Tharaka Nithi

Power interruptions will occur from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm in the following areas:

  • Chuka KCB
  • Chuka Girls
  • Ushirika Plaza
  • Nchamba Cyber
  • Kimbumbu Market
  • Califonia
  • Mukungungu
  • Tungu C/Fact
  • Kiangondu market
  • Kariuko TBC

Please plan accordingly for these scheduled power interruptions.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
