
List of counties experiencing power outages today, Tuesday

Kenya Power has announced planned power interruptions for five counties on Tuesday, June 25. These outages are scheduled to occur at various times between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm. The affected counties are Kisii, Nyeri, Murang’a, Kiambu, and Kitui.


  • Kiango GSU Camp
  • Kinago Market
  • Mara T/Fact
  • Nyangusu S/Center
  • Akemo Valley Hospital
  • Nyaboere
  • Gesabakawa H/Center
  • Bokimai


  • Naromoru Town
  • Naromoru River Lodge
  • Blue Line
  • Mwichuiri
  • Bastian Hotel
  • Leisure Lodge
  • KWS
  • Warazojet
  • Munyu
  • Mountain Lodge
  • Kimahuri Karkuret
  • Naromoru Girls
  • Adjacent customers


  • Mununga S/Center
  • Kiamara
  • Nyakahura
  • Michuki Technical
  • Iyego
  • Nyangiti
  • Ihiga
  • Gitugi Market
  • Kambara
  • Gakurwe
  • Kiambugi
  • Gaturi
  • Adjacent customers


  • Rujwasco
  • Ruiru Deliverance Church
  • Zetech University
  • Rainbow Hotel
  • Rainbow Wholesale
  • Waki
  • Agape
  • Mijicare
  • Part of Kihunguro
  • Mark Hotel
  • Bederin Hotel
  • Wonder Church
  • Imani House
  • Total Petrol Station

Additionally, the following areas in Kiambu will also experience power interruptions:

  • Banana
  • Karuri Hospital
  • Njoro
  • Ndenderu
  • Rumenye
  • St. Tito
  • Karura
  • Kanyungu
  • Part of Gacharage
  • Rueno Police
  • Adjacent customers


  • Mutyangombe Market
  • Masavi Market
  • Mathuki Market
  • Mui Market
  • Miambani Market
  • Musukini Market
  • Masasini Market
  • Kawala Market
  • Kaliku Market
  • Nguni Market
  • Nuu Market
  • Mutito Market
  • Ukasi Market
  • Ngomeni Market
  • Endau Market
  • Malalani Market

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
