List of Coast politicians who have been punished by voters for seeking re-election on Jubilee party
A few Coast politicians who changed party from ODM to vie on Jubilee party tickets have been punished by voters, IEBC interim result show these politicians are headed for defeat.
The likes of Gideon Mungaro, Joyce Lay and Danson Mwazo ditched ODM to seek re-election on Jubilee party tickets. The move turned out to be disastrous for their political ambitions.
Gideon Mungara (incumbent Kilifi North MP) was certain he would unseat Amason Kingi (Kilifi governor) but majority of Kilifi voters have re-elected their governor.
Taita Taveta incumbent governor Danson Mwazo also ditched ODM to vie on a Jubilee ticket and his move also didn’t pay off.
IEBC interim result also show Taita Taveta Women Rep Joyce Lay who was elected on ODM party is also heading for defeat. Lay sought Taita Taveta senatorial seat on a Jubilee party.
See the interim results below:
Taita Taveta Senatorial 276 out of 354 polling stations
Johnes Mwashushe Mwaruma ODM 33,753
Joyce Wanjah Lay Jubilee 27,274
Kilifi governor 719 out of 988 polling stations
Amason Jeffah Kingi ODM 156,936
Maitha Gideon Mungaro Jubilee 42,010
Taita Taveta 284 out of 354 polling stations
Granton Graham Samboja 28,946 (WDM-K)
John Mtuta Mruttu 18,149 Independent candidate
Danson Mwazo Mwakulegwa 15,446 (Jubilee)