
Lillian Muli savagely insults man who attacked her after she raise boyfriend issue in an interview with KCPE top performer

Kenyans were angered by the question Lillian Muli asked during an interview with 2017 KCPE top performer Goldalyn Kakuya.

For starters, Goldalyn Kakuya scored the highest marks in 2017 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE). The 14-year-old who is proudly living with albinism scored 455 out of the possible 500 marks.

Goldalyn was a pupil at St. Anne’s Junior School in Lubao, Kakamega. The top performer was interviewed on Citizen TV together with her mother and father.

Goldalyn Kakuya and Lillian Muli

Have you ever encountered boyfriend  drama

Lillian Muli asked Goldalyn’s mother whether she had ever encountered  boyfriend drama with her daughter. This questions angered most Kenyans.

“She is a 14-year-old so have you ever encountered boyfriend drama, typical 14-year-old issues, any from her, has she been a relatively easy child to raise?” Lillia Muli asked.

Kenyans on social media expressed their disgust by Lillian’s questions. Online trolls quickly attacked the Citizen TV anchor on social media after the interview.

“Lillian Muli (a typical Kenyan journalist) invites a class eight kid who topped in National examinations for an interview to ask her if she has a boyfriend. Because to bitches like Muli a girl/woman can’t be on top unless she’s on top of a man in bed. To Muli and co, vagina is superior to brain,” wrote Cyprian Nyakundi on Facebook.

I refuse to let people insult me

Lillian hit back at critics who were trolling her over the question she asked. She singled out one detractor and savagely attacked him on Instagram.

“I refuse to let people like these insult and get away with it! Why are people so angry though how do you draw a child into such stupid talk! To you Mr Blue suit Watch the interview on Youtube preferably when sober since you are clearly kinda inebriated (google that word lest you think it’s the name of a country).

“I asked her mother about phones and then asked her if she’s had any issues raising a teenager such as boyfriend drama. Did I at any point direct a boyfriend question to her! Unless you grew up in some hole in a pit latrine most 14 years olds have crushes at this age it’s part of growing up!

“But then again call me that name you posted to my face and let’s square it out man to woman since you choose to hide behind your private account. Kazi yako ni kuchungulia tu to see what I’m up to lately! Men with cheap blue suits lol did you wash and iron your suit instead of drycleaning it bro?! Don’t be mad at me it ain’t my fault someone hurt you,” Lillian ranted.

You are vexed coz you got an E in KCPE

She went on to take a photo of her tormentor who got on her nerves. Lillian sarcastically says she posted his photo on her timeline because the man wants to be famous.

“This “dad” calls people assholes! Cheers to your 2 seconds of fame instead of dissing people raise your child to excel in life. Ama you are vexed coz you got an E in kcpe? Shame on you! Perfectionist dad my foot! Look at you with your silly blue suit lol.

“Is you a sissy or nah! yes I said it! Don’t post your poop here. I won’t even block you Clearly you are just a stalker ? Keep watching bro there’s plenty more to come. Look at your silly self right now talking nonsense here…let me hold my peace but I’ve said it before say anything you want about me but Never insult me!

“Long post right! My mama always tells me “watu wengine wivu itawamaliza” positive or negative means you are paying attention to what I’m doing and I’m so glad I caught your attention? this post will stay here you wanted fame! Have it.”

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
