
Lady Maureen and 15 other Kenyan musicians plead for help after being thrown in a Tanzanian prison

Tanzania has made it a habit of frustrating Kenyans who travel to their country. 16 Kenyans musicians have now been thrown in prison because of travel documents.

Kenya remains the most egalitarian society in East Africa even though some of our neighbors are clearly taking advantage of our hospitality.

East African Community was formed to enable free movement of persons and goods but Tanzania is treating Kenyans like Mexicans trying to enter America.

Every time you hear Tanzanian authorities confiscating goods from Kenya and even burning them, frustrating Kenyan businessmen in their country has become a norm.

Lady Maureen’s predicament

Popular Kenyan musician Lady Maureen is appealing for financial help to bail her out of a Tanzanian jail. Maureen together with 15 other musicians were thrown in prison for lacking proper travel documents.

Tanzanian court sentenced the Kenyan musicians to 6 months in prison with bail set at Kes 35,000 each. The 16 musicians are being held at Bukungu Prison Mwanza.

Lady Maureen with some of her band members




About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
