
Kush Tracey Shares Her Story Of Overcoming Skin Bleaching Addiction

In a brave and open post on social media, media personality Kush Tracey shared her personal struggle with skin bleaching addiction. She revealed that during her early to mid-20s, she experienced a profound struggle with skin bleaching, believing that having lighter skin made her “more beautiful.”

Kush shared photos of her past self, with visibly lighter skin, to emphasize her journey. She admitted that at that time, she was deeply lost, broken, confused, and lacked a sense of identity.

Since then, Kush has undergone a process of healing, patience, and self-acceptance that has led her to love her skin color, embracing both its darker and lighter shades equally. She is now using her platform to raise awareness about the dangers of skin bleaching and to encourage others to embrace their natural beauty.

Kush’s story is important because it sheds light on the obsession some individuals have with lightening their skin. Skin bleaching is a harmful practice that can lead to a number of health problems, including skin irritation, hyperpigmentation, and even cancer. It is also important to note that skin bleaching is often rooted in internalized racism and the belief that lighter skin is more beautiful.

Kush’s bravery in sharing her story is an inspiration to others who are struggling with skin bleaching addiction. Her message is clear: you are beautiful, regardless of your skin color.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
