
“Kuna wakati nakumiss saaaana” Wema Sepetu’s tearjerking tribute to Kanumba on his 6th death anniversary

Wema Sepetu dated Steven Kanumba before he died in 2012. The two broke up before Kanumba’s death but Wema still remains grateful to the fallen actor.

Kanumba hooked up with Elizabeth Michael Lulu after his breakup with Wema Sepetu. He was still in a relationship with Lulu at the time of his death on 7th April 2012.

Kanumba died from concussion after he was pushed to the wall by Elizabeth Michael Lulu. Lulu has since been jailed for two years for killing Kanumba unintentionally.

Wema Sepetu and Steven Kanumba
Wema Sepetu and Steven Kanumba
6th death anniversary

Wema Sepetu revealed how much she still misses Kanumba in a moving tribute to the fallen actor. Kanumba introduced Wema to acting and they even starred in several movies together.

“In MY heart you will always Remain… You changed my whole life… Introduced me to This Career that today gives me Respect… If it wasn’t for you I don’t know… Kuna wakati nakumiss saaaanaaa… Kama hii juzi ndo nilikukumbuka zaidi ya sana… Nikatamani uwepo japo uone kwamba kile ulichokitathmini miaka iliopita kina ukweli… .

“Uliona kipaji ndani yangu na ukanishika mkono… Taratibu tukaamua kufanya kazi nd look at me now… Kuna muda nilikata tamaa kabisa ila kwa sasa naona hapana…. Sina sababu ya kufanya hivyo… .

“Nitalienzi jina lako siku zote za maisha yangu, na kwa kufanya hivyo, nitafanya kazi kwa bidii… Na kukutaja kwenye mafanikio yangu maana wewe ni sehemu KUBWA sana kwenye SANAA Yangu… .

“Endelea Kupumzika kwa Amani baba angu… You will forever Live in my heart… ?Until we meet again?.” wrote Wema Sepetu.


About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
