
Kinuthia mentioned that he couldn’t remember the most recent occasion he wore boxer shorts

TikTok sensation Kelvin Kinuthia, known for his unique fashion sense, has acknowledged that he cannot remember the last time he wore traditional men’s underwear.

Kinuthia disclosed this detail while addressing questions from his followers, noting that queries about his choice of clothing, including underwear, are frequently raised.


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In explaining his situation, Kinuthia admitted to having difficulty recalling the last instance he wore boxer shorts.

“It’s hard to answer this, honestly, because I genuinely can’t recall the last time I wore boxer shorts,” Kinuthia remarked.

The TikTok star, who gained prominence in early 2022, has consistently attracted attention for his distinctive style.


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Despite being male, Kinuthia often defies gender norms by opting for attire typically associated with women, alongside makeup.

Recently, his preference for women’s clothing drew criticism from Pastor Robert Burale, who questioned Kinuthia’s attire and urged him to reconsider his choices.

Although Kinuthia himself did not respond directly to Burale’s remarks, his friend Mtumba Man addressed the issue on his behalf, asserting that wearing such clothing should not be stigmatized, as it is simply a means of livelihood and nothing more.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
