Kibe accepts he is a broken man
Image: Andrew Kibe’s new station ‘Rogue Radio’ officially goes Live on airAndrew Kibe has for a very long time been accused by feminists of being a broken man and he has finally accepted that he is indeed a “broken vehicle” and he did so with some great humour.
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But according to the men’s rights activist, this is the reason why he cannot give himself fully to any woman going forward and he says that this is how he needs to remain so his content can stay fresh and provocative.
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There is a lot of truth in what Kibe says but we can all admit that the man is bitter with other world and at life in general. Having issues with one-half of humanity simply because of their sexual organs is a sign of dysfunction.
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And now the question we would like answered is who hurt Kibe? Who put him into a situation where this is the type of energy he is putting out.
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