
Kiambu Women’s Rep reveals why Kikuyu women are crushing on Maina Kageni

Image: Radio personality, Maina Kageni

Kiambu Women’s Representative Ann Wamuratha has said that Kikuyu men are not romantic, which is why many Kikuyu women are crushing on veteran radio presenter Maina Kageni.

Speaking at a wedding she attended, Wamuratha said that Kikuyu men do not compliment their wives or make them feel special. She said that even her own husband, a pastor, does not tell her that she is beautiful.

“I will dress up nicely and ask him, ‘Am I not beautiful?’ and he will reply, ‘Where?'” she said.

Wamuratha said that this lack of romance is a major reason why many Kikuyu women are attracted to Kageni, who is known for his smooth talk and his ability to make women feel special.

“Kageni is a romantic,” she said. “He knows how to make a woman feel special.”

Wamuratha’s comments have sparked a debate on social media, with some people agreeing with her and others saying that she is generalizing.

“I think she is right,” said one Twitter user. “Kikuyu men are not romantic.”

“I disagree,” said another. “My husband is Kikuyu and he is very romantic.”

Ultimately, whether or not Kikuyu men are romantic is a matter of opinion. However, Wamuratha’s comments have certainly struck a chord with many women, who are longing for more romance in their relationships.

Here are some additional thoughts on the topic:

  • It is important for men to make their wives feel special, both verbally and physically.
  • Compliments can go a long way in making a woman feel loved and appreciated.
  • Romance is not just about grand gestures; it can also be about the small things, like cooking dinner for your wife or giving her a massage.
  • If you want your wife to be happy, make sure you are putting in the effort to make her feel special.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
