
Keranta reveals Flaqo gives her girlfriend allowance of 60K

Flaqo’s girlfriend, Keranta, has revealed on social media that her boyfriend gives her an allowance of 60,000 Kenyan shillings. She posted a screenshot of an M-Pesa message showing the transfer and asked other women if they receive similar allowances from their partners.

Keranta also shared a private message from Flaqo, who saved his number as “my man, my man.” In the message, Flaqo said, “If you receive some money, that is for **blacke dout na kidogo ya upkeep” (That’s for black out and a little bit of upkeep).

Keranta recently celebrated her 22nd birthday, and Flaqo arranged a surprise for her. He bought her a new car, which he explained later was because he had the money to do it.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
