
Kenyans Respond to Mike Mondo’s Unexpected Marriage Announcement

This past week, Classic 105 radio presenter Mike Mondo married his partner, Shiko Nguru. The couple made it official at the Attorney General’s office and later celebrated with a lunch at The Sankara Hotel.

Fans quickly shared their reactions to the marriage news:


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SonnieMurugy commented, “Until it’s our turn 👏👏👏, I’m cheering for these two ❤️❤️.”

EvaNgugi wrote, “In this new chapter of gentle love, get your pens, notebooks, and charts—most importantly, a heart open to learn and grow. Thank you!”

Caxton Weiler humorously added, “Mike Mondo, after being out in these streets for so long, I didn’t know you weren’t married yet… but much love to you and your new wife. Congrats, bro!”

Silvia Kenya playfully remarked, “Shiko, share your secrets with us! 😍”

MAgnifystylz praised the couple, saying, “I admire people who chase happiness, regardless of others’ opinions.”


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Speaking to Mwalimu King’ang’i on Classic 105, Mike confirmed he’s officially off the market, saying, “We went to the AG’s office, made it official, and had a wonderful lunch at Sankara. Shoutout to Chef Gitonga.”

He added, “Big shoutout to Shiko Nguru—now you have ‘Mondo’ at the end of your name.”

King’ang’i jokingly welcomed him to married life, saying, “Soon you’ll understand all the things we talk about on the radio!”

Mike also mentioned plans to engrave his wedding ring.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
