
Kenyans raise 800K for children abandoned by Esther Arunga ex-husband, Quincy Timberlake

City lawyer Wahome Thuku has announced that Kenyans have raised over Sh800,000 for the three sons of Quincy Timberlake, who abandoned his wife and children in 2009 for former media personality Esther Arunga.

The three sons, Trevor, Quincy, and Cassidy, were left to fend for themselves after their mother, Rose Mweni Gideon, died in March 2022. They had been living in a one-room house in Nairobi, and Trevor had been working odd jobs to support his younger siblings.

Mr. Thuku shared the story of the Timberlake brothers on social media on August 3, 2023, and the response was overwhelming. Within days, Kenyans had donated over Sh800,000 to help the boys.

“Yesterday, I met three of the most humble humans in this city,” Mr. Thuku said in a Facebook post. “Cool, calm, composed, and very very disciplined. The Timberlake brothers. Three brothers whom the world has taught lessons at those ages. Brothers who are now stuck together for good or worse. They rise or fall together. Brothers who live in a 10×10 room, two taking a double-decker bed and the third a couch.”

Mr. Thuku said that the money will be used to provide the boys with a better place to live, to pay for their education, and to help them get back on their feet. He also said that the boys will be receiving counseling to help them cope with the trauma they have experienced.

“I am so grateful to the people of Kenya for their generosity,” Mr. Thuku said. “This money will make a real difference in the lives of these boys.”

The Timberlake brothers’ story is a reminder of the importance of family and community. It is also a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there is always hope.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
