Kenyans Lament Rising Cost of Electricity Tokens
Image: Renowned actress, Silprosa aka Sandra DachaKenyans have been lamenting the rising cost of electricity tokens, which are now lasting for only a few days.
Sandra Dacha, a popular Kenyan actress, recently took to social media to express her frustration with the issue. She said that she used to be able to buy a 1000-bob token and get 80 units, but now she only gets 29 units. This means that the token only lasts for about 4 days.
Other Kenyans have also taken to social media to complain about the rising cost of electricity tokens. Some people have said that they are now buying tokens for Sh 50 just to light up the room where they sleep.
The increase in the cost of electricity tokens is due to a number of factors, including the rising cost of fuel and the government’s decision to increase the cost of electricity.
The energy regulation sector increased the price of electricity by up to 63% at the beginning of June 2023. Kenya Power said it intended to raise more money to upgrade its aging distribution systems and to net Sh 177 billion in revenue in the 2022/2023 financial year.
The increase in the cost of electricity tokens is a major concern for many Kenyans. It is making it difficult for people to afford basic necessities, such as lighting and cooking.
There are a number of things that can be done to address the issue of rising electricity costs. The government could provide subsidies to help people afford electricity tokens. Kenya Power could also improve its efficiency in order to reduce the cost of generating and distributing electricity.
In the meantime, Kenyans are facing a difficult choice: either they can cut back on their electricity use, or they can pay more for electricity tokens.