
Kenyans invited to give opinions about Ruto regime intended hiking of passport and ID fees

Kenyans have until December 8, 2023, to share their opinions on the proposed changes to passport and ID fees.

The public participation process was initiated by Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki and submissions can be made either in person or electronically.

As part of the proposed changes, the cost of obtaining a new ID card will be reduced to Sh300 from the previously proposed Sh1,000.

Kenyans who are unable to afford the new ID fee will have the cost covered by the government.

The cost of replacing a lost ID card will also be reduced to Sh1,000 from the previously proposed Sh2,000.

The fees for changing ID card particulars and obtaining Identification Reports have been increased to Sh1,000 and Sh1,000 respectively.

The fees for Civil Servant cards and Staff badges have also been increased to Sh1,000 each.

The proposed charges for passports remain unchanged.

The cost of birth and death certificates has been increased to Sh200 from the previous Sh50.

The public is encouraged to submit their feedback on the proposed changes by December 8, 2023.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
