
Kenyan TikToker Sueh Owino Wows Fans with Her 427th Episode

Kenyan TikToker Sueh Owino has done it again! Her 427th episode has gotten everyone buzzing, from trolls and haters to those who appreciate her content.

This time round, Sueh raised her already lofty standards a notch higher by cooking a whole turkey! She first posted a picture of herself holding the turkey without clarifying what she was up to, and people went overboard guessing what she was up to.

But in an update that she released a few hours later, Sueh revealed what many enterprising folks might have surmised: she was indeed cooking a turkey! The video made many people go wild because Sueh didn’t use any shortcuts and skinned the bird herself!

Talk about dedication! Sueh then proceeded to air-dry the bird by hanging it for about 20 hours, raising many questions among Kenyans online.

Some people questioned the need to air-dry the turkey, but Sueh explained that it helps to dry out the skin and make it crispier when cooked. Others were simply amazed by Sueh’s cooking skills and dedication.

Whatever your opinion of Sueh Owino, there is no denying that she is a talented cook and content creator. Her 427th episode is just another example of why she has such a large and engaged following.


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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
