
Kenyan online comedians and the significant role they have played during the pandemic

Everyone needs a good laugh, especially at a time like now when there is a lot of uncertainty because of the pandemic and I can tell you for sure that Kenyan online comedians have really kept us entertained.

Also read: Crazy Kennar opens up about his comedy journey and dating life

The truth is that very few people think highly of Kenyan comics. Most people claim that they are overrated and often lambaste them for making tribal jokes but believe you me, the ones who exist online are a different breed.

Crazy Kennar

I’m sure everyone who is reading this has that one online comedian whose video they just can not pass as they scroll through their social media timelines. You literally have to stop whatever you are doing to watch their videos.

There are a number of gifted online comedians including; Crazy Kennar, Flaqo 411, Mulamwah, Mammito, Shigwan Shiqo, Seth Gor and his crew, Eddie Butita, just to name a few.

I feel we should laud them for not only entertaining us but also to keep us sane at a time when the world seems to be ending right in front of our eyes.

Kenyan comedy has really come a long way and if you’re keen I’m sure you’ve noticed that the new crop of funny men and women are totally different from those who preceded them. They have really set themselves apart.

Mammito and Eddie Butita

We live in a fast-paced world and the penetration of the internet has played a big role in the growth of local comedy, especially now that the government has imposed strict measures to restrict unnecessary movement.

This means that people have been forced to find different ways of entertaining themselves wherever they are and for many of us, the skits that are posted by our local comedians have proven to be a good solution.

I can only hope that they will not slow down or dilute their content after the pandemic goes away, if it ever does. That is all.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
