
Kenyan Music Producers Deserve More Appreciation, Says Motif Di Don

Image: Sidika with husband and Motif

Kenyan music producer Motif Di Don has spoken out about the lack of appreciation for music producers in the Kenyan music industry. He believes that producers are not considered as vital creatives as musicians, and that this is why he and other producers often go unrecognized for their work.

Motif, who recently won the Music Influencer of The Year award at the Pulse Influencer Awards, said that it took over ten years for him to receive his first award, despite all the big hits he has produced. He expressed his frustration over the situation, saying that he doesn’t understand why Kenyans don’t appreciate their own music producers.

Motif believes that this lack of appreciation starts with the artists themselves. He said that Kenyan artists need to learn from their peers in other countries, such as Tanzania and Nigeria, where musicians often have their own dedicated producers who travel with them to shows.

Motif’s comments have sparked a debate about the role of music producers in the Kenyan music industry. Some people agree with him that producers deserve more credit for their work, while others argue that musicians are the ones who deserve the most attention because they are the ones who perform the music.

Regardless of where you stand on the issue, it is clear that Motif Di Don is a talented producer who has made significant contributions to the Kenyan music industry. It is hoped that his comments will raise awareness of the importance of music producers and lead to them being given the recognition they deserve.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
