
Kenyan MP Jalang’o Hospitalized After Basketball Injury

Jalang’o, a Kenyan radio personality and member of parliament, has been hospitalized after suffering a leg injury while playing basketball. The incident occurred on September 27, and Jalang’o was rushed to Nairobi Hospital for treatment.

Jalang’o has not disclosed any further details about his injury, but he has shared a video of himself lying in a hospital bed on social media. The video is accompanied by the caption “Day two in the hospital.”

Jalang’o’s hospitalization comes as a surprise to many, as he has often emphasized his good health and infrequent visits to healthcare facilities. In a previous interview, he said that the last time he was in the hospital was when he dislocated his arm in the gym.

Jalang’o attributes his good health to a combination of factors, including his faith in God, his cautious lifestyle, and his genes. He has said that he has managed to stay resilient even in the face of common health challenges like malaria.

It is unclear how long Jalang’o will be hospitalized or how his injury will impact his work. However, his fans and supporters have wished him a speedy recovery.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
