
Kenyan in the US encourages Kenyan youth to apply for 330K per month cruise ship jobs

A Kenyan man living in the United States has encouraged his fellow countrymen to apply for cruise ship jobs in America. The man, who goes by @theKenyanAmericanHome on TikTok, said that cruise ship employees are paid an average of \$2600 (Sh 364,390) per month and only have to cater to their personal needs.

“The cruise ship management will pay for everything for you,” he said. “Your only expenses will be personal expenses like if you want to get beauty products for yourself and so on.”

The TikToker said that he does not recommend using agents to find cruise ship jobs, as they often charge high fees. He said that people can find these jobs on their own by searching online or contacting cruise lines directly.

“If you do these processes alone, it would cost you \$185 Canadian dollars (Sh 19,637) for the application of the tourist visa and the biometrics,” he said. “This is less than \$200 American dollars if you do this process for yourself, but an agent will charge you between \$5,000 and \$7,000.”

The TikToker said that he believes that cruise ship jobs are a great opportunity for Kenyans, as they offer good pay and the chance to travel the world. He said that people who are interested in applying for these jobs should start by doing their research and contacting cruise lines directly.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
