
Kenyan gospel artist delivers message to president Trump after he called African countries a ‘shithole’

US president Donald Trump described Africa countries, Haiti and El Salvador as ‘shithole’. Kenyan gospel singer has since responded to Trump’s racist remarks.

Trump said Africa was a ‘shithole’ during a meeting with lawmakers on Thursday January 11th. He said this while being presented with a proposal to restore protections for immigrants from what he terms as shithole countries.

Trump demanded to know why the US would accept immigrants from shithole countries rather than places like Norway, whose prime minister he had met the day before and whose population is majority white.

I got a ticket to heaven

A Kenyan gospel singer from Githurai 45 – Allano The Preacher was inspired by Trump’s hate to write a new song dubbed ‘Holy Ghost’.

Allano The Preacher

Allano asks people from shithole countries to seek Jesus so that they may have a ticket to heaven rather than struggle to get visa to a country where the president is outright racist.

“I got a ticket to heaven Trump wont stop me from flying…” Allano The Preacher sings in the third verse of his song.

Watch the video below:




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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
