
Kenya Power Announces Power Interruptions in Five Counties on Wednesday

Kenya Power announced on [date] that there will be power interruptions in five counties on Wednesday, October 25, 2023. The affected counties are Nakuru, Nandi, Siaya, Kwale, and Kisii.

The power interruptions will occur at different times of the day in different counties.

In Nakuru, the following areas will be affected from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM:

  • Kabarak Home Upper
  • Mangu
  • Aberdare
  • Mangu mastoo
  • Maraga residence
  • Ngata Kaptich
  • Kirobon AGC
  • Verovian

In Nandi, the following areas will be affected from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM:

  • Kapsabet Town
  • Baraton
  • KCC Lessos
  • Kapnyeberai
  • Kilibwoni
  • Arwos
  • Kapsabet Town
  • Kamobo
  • Kapkangani
  • Kaimosi
  • Koibarak
  • Chepterit
  • Mosoriot
  • Tulon
  • Itigo
  • Mutwot
  • Baraton
  • Kipchabo
  • Kaptel
  • Talai
  • Kipsigak
  • Chemomi
  • Mugundoi
  • Kaptumo
  • Chepkongony

In Siaya, the following areas will be affected from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM:

  • Rabango
  • Ulafu Nyalgunga
  • Umala
  • Nyamila
  • Bar Kodhiambo
  • Ngiya High School and Market
  • Nyagondo Market
  • Wagai Market
  • Kodelo
  • Akala Road

In Kisii, the following areas will be affected from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM:

  • Daraja Mbili
  • Embonga Hotel
  • Bongo Hospital
  • LEE Hotel
  • Kisii Junction Hotel
  • Nyamataro
  • Kiamwas
  • Nyakoe Hotel
  • Nyakoe Market
  • Keaoge Girls
  • Mosocho
  • Riotoigo
  • Matieko
  • Ongich Sec Sch
  • Ruga Market
  • Nyakoe Quarry

In Kwale, the following areas will be affected from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM:

  • Msambweni Referral Hospital
  • Majoreni
  • Vanga
  • Lunga Lunga
  • Shimoni
  • Shimba Hills
  • Milalani
  • Kikoneni
  • Sawasawa Beach
  • Msambweni Beach

Kenya Power apologizes for any inconvenience the power interruptions may cause.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
